Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Whoooooo we are as a reader!

We have been reading all different kinds of books this year! Books with funny characters, series books, non fiction books, how-to books, etc. Now that the end of the year is here, we have decided that we can have a preference into which books we are more likely to read. Students brought in their favorite book from home and shared what kinds of books they enjoy reading most of the time. When students know who they are as a reader, then they know what books to pick up. If they are interested in the book that they are reading, then it gets them to read more often.

"According to the National Education Association, having kids read a lot is one of the crucial components of becoming a good reader. Young readers need to become practiced at recognizing letters and sounds. The only way to get good at it is to practice."

Visit an article at to learn more about how important it is to have your child reading.

Check out who we are as a reader!

Summer Goals for Reading

Can you feel it? Can you taste it? Summer is in the air. That is why we are diving into summer by planning summer reading goals. We have discussed how important it is to continue reading in the summer so that when we begin the next school year, we will be right where we left off!

Students planned their summer reading spot (with a back up if needed) and then created a summer reading goal. Students focused on the type of books they want to read, the number of times they want to read each week, and how long they want to read. How do you plan to get your students excited about reading at home?